Shared Experiences through Remote Play
This study aims to explore the role of technology in connecting people who are not co-located. We are interested in exploring the social experiences afforded in gameplay with third-party video/voice conferencing tools. Some information is removed or modified due to confidentiality.
Background and Goals
We have several research questions in mind to help us achieve the project's goal.
Generative Research Goals:
Understand users' behaviors through technology-mediated social experiences.
Identify the motivations and barriers of using digital technology to engage in shared recreations both with co-located and remote individuals.
Design Research Goals:
Evaluate one of the most popular game, Among Us, to figure out how video games provide shared experience for players.
Evaluate the effectivness of remote play as a shared recreation.
To understand the motivations and barriers toward shared experiences afforded by technologies, we decided to conduct a survey to gather different perspectives and concerns. This research method helps us provide a large amount of data relatively quickly and easily.
Additionally, we chose playing games as one example of recreations that co-located, and remote individuals can experience together. To explore whether or not a social game, Among Us, can provide a sharing experience, we crafted, tested, revised, and published a diary study assignment and post-study reflective activity for 92 students enrolled in an undergraduate HCI course at Virginia Tech. Besides, the research team, including me, conducted a series of post-study focus group sessions with all student participants. We then leveraged thematic analysis to arrange a large amount of unstructured qualitative data.
"It should be noted that this project is under development and will cover other goals and methods shortly."

Crucuial Insights
Our findings illustrate that online multiplayer gameplay can enhance social opportunities and benefits when combined with technology that supports rich player communication. Our investigation found that third-party video/voice conferencing technology, augmented-communication rules and norms, and interdependent essence of the play contribute to a player’s sense of shared social experience. It should be noted that results from the survey cannot be represented here due to confidentiality.
For additional findings and learnings, please get in touch with, or see our publication, "Toward a Design Theory of Game-Mediated Social Experiences - A Study ofAmong Us," relating to this study.

Research Impact
Design Impact
Insights from this research may improve the design of technology that supports and enhances recreational activities for co-located and remote loved ones.​
Several features/circumstances are being prioritized.
Present ideas to refine the existing technology-mediated experiences to overcome the barriers of experiencing shared recreations.
Strategic Impact
My Learnings
Good survey questions need to be clear, concise, valid, and interesting.
Self-study reports, which come from diary studies, help researchers get first-hand data for the analysis phase.
Multi-sensory communications, incorporating audio and visual modalities, enhance sharing experiences.
Derek Haqq, Morva Saaty, and Dr. Scott McCrickard.
Fall 2021- Ongoing
Haqq, D., Saaty, M., Rukaj, J. T., Marulkar, S., Israel, J., Newton, E., ... & McCrickard, D. S. (2021, October). Toward a Design Theory of Game-Mediated Social Experiences-A Study of Among Us. In Extended Abstracts of the 2021 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play (pp. 222-227).
Haqq, D., Saaty, M., & McCrickard, D. S. Re (Connecting) through Shared Remote Outdoor Play.